The ERF was founded as an interdisciplinary group of young scholars in the field of ecumenism and mission studies. It has no status as a registered association and is dependent on sponsors. Because the annual meetings are prepared in voluntary work the costs can be kept low.


The annual meetings have been able to take place thanks to donations from different (regional) churches and institutions.


In 2019 the ERF was sponsored by


Ev. Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung

Ev.-luth. Landeskirche Hannovers

Ev. Kirche im Rheinland

Schweizerischer Ev. Kirchenbund

Ev. Kirche in Hessen und Nassau

Ev.-luth. Kirche in Norddeutschland

Ev.-luth. Kirche in Finnland 


The Mission Academy of the University of Hamburg accomodates, supports and goes the way with the ERF in a very generous way since 1999.