33. Annual Meeting 2023:

"Love one another". Ecumenism, Peace, and Justice

(Dr. Sara Gehlin, University College Stockholm & Rev. Dr. George Tsourous, University of Kent)


32. Annual Meeting 2022:

Call to communion. Ecumenism as a life commitment

(Br. Richard from Taizé & Dr. Joan Patricia Back from the Focolare Community)


31. Annual Meeting 2019:

Family & Faith

(Prof. Dr. Katherine Lucsas & Prof. Dr. Peter Ben-Smit)


30. Annual Meeting 2018:

Theosis. Ecumenical Perspectives on Sanctification

(Prof. Dr. Jennifer Wasmuth, Prof. Dr. Nikolai V. Sakharov)


29. Annual Meeting 2017:

Ecumenical Perspectives on Ordination and Ministry

(Rev. Dr. Dagmar Heller)


28. Annual Meeting 2016:

Towards a Theology of the Body: Ecumenical and Ecosophical Implications

(Fr. Dr. K. M. George)


27. Annual Meeting 2015:

Dimensions and ethics of the interreligious dialogue (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dehn)

How far can we go? Dialogue intercultural and transcultural, interreligious and transreligious (Prof. Dr. Martin Tamcke)


26. Annual Meeting 2014

The role of the churches since the socio-political change 25 years ago in Europe and ecumenical-theological thoughts on Just Peace.


25. Annual Meeting 2013

The contribution of Ecumenism to theological formation


24. Annual Meeting 2012

The meaning of secularism for Ecumenism and its consequences for the churches in Europe


23. Annual Meeting 2011

Living Liturgy - Orthodox perspectives on social engagement


22. Annual Meeting 2010

Christian Mission - Ecumenical witness in a globalised world


21. Annual Meeting 2009

Global crises as ecumenical challenge


20. Annual Meeting 2008

Ecumenical formation - Shaping identities in church and society


19. Annual Meeting 2007

Making Sense - Ecumenical formation in a multireligious context


18. Annual Meeting 2006

Ecumenical hermeneutics between contextuality and confessionality


17. Annual Meeting 2005

The future of theology and missiology


16. Annual Meeting 2004 (CANCELLED)

Islam and Mission - A chance for dialogue?


15. Annual Meeting 2003

The virtual church in the village - Information technologies and the churches in North and South


14. Annual Meeting 2002

Ecumenical social ethics - quo vadis?


13. Annual Meeting 2001

Intercultural exegesis of the Bible


12. Annual Meeting 2000

The Pentecostal, and the Ecumenical Movement - on pluralist theology of religions, interreligious dialogue and the mission


11. Annual Meeting 1999

"Missions of Dialogue?" - on the current mission theology in conversation with the pluralistic religious theology


10. Annual Meeting 1998

Ecumenical Movement in the tension between East and West?


9. Annual Meeting 1997

Mission theology in the 21st Century - from export to import


8. Annual Meeting 1996



7. Annual Meeting 1995

Ecumenical Council and the ecumenical movement


6. Annual Meeting 1994

Dialogue with the younger generation of EATWOT-theologians


5. Annual Meeting 1993

The presentation of ecumenical events in the media


4. Annual Meeting 1992

The new division between East and West - ecumenical perspectives on the role of churches in Europe


3. Annual Meeting 1991

Intercultural theology and intercultural dialogue


2. Annual Meeting 1990

Stagnation or innovation in the ecumenical movement


1. Annual Meeting 1989

The task of ecumenical research in our context


24. bis 25. Mai 1988

Foundation of the Ecumenical Research Forum at Evangelical Academy in Iserlohn / Germany